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Sustainability Policy


At Coffee on the Green, we recognise that everything we do can influence the environment.

It is our policy to meet all relevant regulatory requirements and to minimise any adverse effects caused as a result of our activities and products.

Our aims and objectives:

• To ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements

• Continually monitoring environmental performance across the business

• Work with local communities

• Increase staff and customer environmental awareness


Energy Use

We only purchase energy efficient equipment with an energy rating of A. Any equipment not in use it switched off. We keep our deliveries to a minimum to ensure unnecessary car journeys reducing the carbon emissions and maximising fuel efficiency.



We source wherever possible materials that can be recycled. Examples include:

• Biodegradable napkins

• Biodegradable cutlery

• Biodegradable stirrers

• Paper Straws

• Recycled brown kraft paper bags

• Recycled coffee cups

• Eco-friendly cleaning materials

• Biodegradable coffee pods


Recycling & Waste

We are committed to reducing waste creating by disposable packaging and to ensure any waste generated can be recycled wherever possible.

Examples include using reusable crockery and cutlery in house. The use of reusable takeaway cups with a discount incentive. Ensuring that as much packaging from suppliers is recycled where possible. Food waste is kept to a minimum and monitored on all sites (in house and mobile)

Our coffee grounds are collected and used locally by allotment holders as a fertiliser for plant growth. Our coffee pods are bio degradable.



We always strive to source and use suppliers who adopt the values as we do.


Community Engagement

We recognise that Coffee on the Green is an important space in which our local community and groups can utilise. Staff are encouraged to establish long term relationships with the community and residents. Engaging with our customers with regards to our environmental initiatives is key to their success.



We encourage staff training and encourage employee involvement in environmental matters which is continually monitored.


V Nuthall

Director, Coffee on the Green Ltd

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